So you have an awesome new business, and you’ve planned every little detail out — down to the last perfectly-placed toilet paper roll holder and conveniently-placed dustbuster hanging on the wall. You know that customers expect cleanliness and organization, and you want to take pride in the business you’re running.Continue Reading

For most people in the United States, insurance for homes and cars is a necessity. Still, many people either forgo insurance for their property or choose the cheapest–but not most comprehensive–coverage available. Doing something simple like getting a discount auto insurance quote online or researching renters insurance rates can helpContinue Reading

What is the future of SEO? Google faced a lot of backlash in early 2014. The U.K. brought the search engine to court over privacy breaches, and France is the latest to take a stand against Google. Following a court ruling, the homepage of Google France, in fact, will bearContinue Reading

Automobile insurance plans are calculated and set up to protect drivers and their vehicles on the road. The premiums on these plans are there to help if the driver is involved in an accident on the road. These insurance plans can cover a range of scenarios, including collisions, theft, andContinue Reading

A recent survey of 5,000 American adults by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA), found that the majority of Americans prefer online billing to other traditional, and generally slower, options. In fact, 62% said that they prefer accessing their billing statements online rather than getting statements in the mail.Continue Reading

the majority of businesses need a space out of which to operate. Many businesses have business suites or furnished office space, but for smaller businesses, a virtual office is a great solution. Virtual office rentals are especially common among both smaller businesses and international businesses because they provide high qualityContinue Reading

While human resource software solutions can help streamline the effective management of their human capital, it takes more than payroll and benefits management to keep it running smoothly. By putting all of the pieces together, you can effectively manage all aspects of human resource info, such as hiring, retiring, timeContinue Reading

When you need insurance, it is extremely wise to shop around. Whether it is auto insurance, homeowner’s insurance, renter’s insurance, or motorcycle insurance, shopping around can help you find insurance that works for you. Interestingly, car insurance prices are always different, as are homeowners insurance costs and all other typesContinue Reading

How are health records evolving? Many modern hospitals, physicians, and private practices depend on electronic health records (EHRs), or easy-to-share, digital forms and systems. In fact, BCC Research estimates that the electronic health record market will be worth $23.5 billion by 2018. What is required to maintain these systems, andContinue Reading

According to SEO Refugee, the three most important components of great SEO are, “Effective communication, useful information, and high quality backlinks.” SEO, or search engine optimization, is quickly becoming the leading way that businesses get in contact with online audiences. About 70% of businesses intend to create or improve theirContinue Reading