How to Choose the Best Concrete Contractors for the Job
Considering going the concrete route for your driveway? You’re already making a smart decision. A properly installed and maintained concrete driveway can have a lifespan as long as 25 to 50 years. That’s great news for your home, but it also means that making the right decision about hiring concreteContinue Reading
Choose the Right Fire Protection System for Your Business
One of the biggest issues for businesses these days is what kind of commercial fire protection system to use. Not only are such devices important to ensure the safety of people visiting or working in your business, but they also can have a big effect on what you pay forContinue Reading
Improve Your Home and Yard’s Appearance With This One Unbelievable Trick!
Funnily enough, having a well maintained driveway may be one of the first things people notice about your home. Even if your house is well maintained with good landscaping, if you have a cracked driveway with weeds growing out of it and potholes, your neighbors and passerby are sure toContinue Reading
Only 35% Of Businesses Have A Fire Evacuation Plan What You Should Know
How can you prevent fires? This disaster is both natural and unnatural, claiming thousands of lives and injuring far more every year in the United States alone. As such, fire sprinkler installation is necessary to drastically reduce injuries should a fire occur and prevent property damages from being accumulated. AContinue Reading
Are You Looking for a New Sales Job?
After nearly 30 years in computer software and IT sales, the top sales man from one of the leading data storage centers made an unlikely career move. Instead of selling data storage space and disaster recovery services, he would now be selling the academics, athletics, and activities of an expensiveContinue Reading
3 Reasons Why You Should Donate Your Old Clothing
If you, like the rest of us, are in spring cleaning mode, it’s likely that you have a clothing pile the size of mount vesuvius in the middle of your bedroom. And before you go stuffing them into black garbage backs to collect dust in a dumpster somewhere or inContinue Reading
A Comparison of the 3 Main Types of Single Room Air Conditioners
As the months heat up, air conditioners across the nation are beginning to surge back to life. For two thirds of U.S. homes, these are part of their HVAC system; but what if your residence doesn’t have central air conditioning? Or perhaps you have a central unit but are loatheContinue Reading
Creating a Trade Show Booth that Will Grab Customers Attention
Marketing is a crucial part of any business. Without marketing, you would not have the ability to allow new potential customers to learn about your business. Without this, they will never become customers. Although marketing is a very important part of any growing business, it is often neglected or underContinue Reading
Did You Know Most Customers Frequent Businesses They Live Close To?
The power of marketing is not to be underestimated! Be it your local church bake sale or a small business you’re trying to get off the ground, using advertising and graphic design to the best of your ability will mean the difference between success and a withering descent into obscurity.Continue Reading
Corrugated Packaging Helping Manufacturers For Over 100 Years
A manufacturer’s job is not done when the goods are finished, at least not if they want to be successful. The product still needs to be shipped to the distributor to be sold. At this step, it is helpful to have a shipping plan and reliable packaging solution. Custom corrugatedContinue Reading
Why Conducting Regular OSHA Certified Fall Protection Training Is Key
Do you run a business where your employees are at risk of falling and injuring themselves? Sometimes this involves various types of businesses, not just construction or other industrial types of work. As a business owner or manager you know the importance of keeping your workforce safe from harm, andContinue Reading
Reach Your Audience on a Deeper Level With An Interactive Trade Show Exhibit
What is the purpose of a trade show? If you have a product to sell or a service to promote, participating in a trade show is a great way to market your brand and bring in new business. Your trade show exhibit design is essential. You need an exhibit boothContinue Reading
The Top Things Cannabis Consultants Say You Should Consider When Applying For a Medical Marijuana Business License
It’s becoming more socially, and legally, acceptable to use marijuana. 37 states allow medical marijuana, while 18 allow recreational marijuana, or the weed you take to get high or get mellow. In case you’re wondering, “Are marijuana and weed the same thing?” the answer is yes. Other names include cannabis,Continue Reading
Could Medical Marijuana be Helping the Homeless? Believe it or Not, it Just Might!
The opinions on medical marijuana consulting and use vary greatly from person to person, but as much as this medication can help individuals, can it help people on a larger scale? According to a small town outside of Denver, it can. Aurora is a small suburb of Denver, and theContinue Reading
Everything You Need to Know About Purchasing Agents
Jicarilla Apache Nation’s former purchasing agent has been charged with embezzling over $20,000 from the Albuquerque tribe. Vanessa Cohoe, 46, was a purchasing agent for Jicarilla Apache Nation for four years. An indictment was filed on her behalf in December of 2015 regarding theft pertaining to the Jicarilla Apache Nation.Continue Reading
Will Proposal Software Help with RFP Responses?
Are you doing all you can to expand your business? If you’re one of the 99.7% of companies that employ fewer than 500 people, chances are the responsibilities for growing your customer base and broadening your range of service falls close to home. When you’re trying to obtain those lucrativeContinue Reading
Could Your Company’s Hiring Practices Be Better?
Does your company struggle with staffing? Perhaps you have a hard time with retention or maybe you are just going through a restructure and need to find an executive but aren’t sure where to turn. Whatever your staffing situation might be, you aren’t alone. Companies all across America are tryingContinue Reading
Why Water is So Important to Our Bodies
It’s so easy to take clean water for granted living in America. We don’t tend to think about the dangers of unsanitary water. But, thank goodness someone does. Because even here in a first world country, if the waters were not purified and sanitized through the use of water electricalContinue Reading
Safety Down the Finest Detail
When dealing with heavy equipment and machinery, you are going to want to make sure that you have everything in order, from the correct machines in place down to the proper documentation and safety certifications of those operating them. Passersby on the street may not always realize it, but thereContinue Reading
Help The Environment, Fix Your Taxes And Help Those In Need Charitable Clothing Donations
Are you wondering about when to donate clothes? You’re in the right place! It’s always a good time to rummage through your closet and pick out unused and unwanted clothing articles, as charity organizations are always looking for wares to pad out their shelves and help people in need. CharitableContinue Reading