Marijuana has had a troubled history in the United States that is just now starting to change. The states of Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana use; 19 other states have legalized medicinal marijuana use; numerous other states have decriminalized certain amounts of marijuanaContinue Reading

While more than half of American business owners report a strong commitment to employee retention, the soaring costs of training — and high employee turnover — have many businesses left wondering what they can do to increase employee satisfaction and to inspire long term employee commitment. About one-third of allContinue Reading

Secure payment processing is an umbrella term that refers to a merchant’s obligation to keep your financial information safe when you make a purchase from them online. Most web sites that offer you the option of buying from them have stringent measures in place to protect your credit card information,Continue Reading

Mortality has always stood as an impassible barrier for humanity. The inevitability of death has been a source of anxiety that existentialist philosophers have long attempted to make sense of. Every single individual has their own perception of death, and many think long and hard about what happens to thoseContinue Reading

What’s the most important quality all successful businesses share? While some would cite a strong marketing campaign or customer loyalty as the most important features (and they most certainly are important!), there exists a lesser known but no less valid aspect of making sure your business flourishes. Finding commercial propertyContinue Reading

The pharmaceutical marketplace is set to undergo major changes: in the next few years, pharmaceutical serialisation will become the legally-mandated standard around the world. Serialisation, sometimes referred to as e-pedigree serialisation, refers to the practice of using packaging and electronic software solutions to comprehensively track and account for millions ofContinue Reading

Although the “survival rate” for small businesses in America remains promising, unforeseen expenses can have business owners searching for small business loans from funding experts. Recent studies indicate that, in general, two out of every three small businesses are successful past their first year. Where larger enterprises have a distinctContinue Reading

If you’re a homeowner with a beautiful yard, the highlights of your yard may be some stately trees.  Trees can give a beautiful, natural finishing touch to any yard. However, trees need regular maintenance, and you may not have the time or knowledge to care for your trees properly. IfContinue Reading

The ceramics, optics, semiconductor and automotive industries rely on lapping and polishing machines to produce precision surfaces with a high degree of smoothness. Lapping produces smooth surfaces by rubbing two surfaces against each other with an abrasive material in between. The lapping process can be done by hand or byContinue Reading

For businesses, effective communication and efficient customer support are most often challenging tasks to do right. If you own a business that has clients and customers from multiple areas and across different time zones, this can be particularly problematic. Customers often call in with their questions and queries, and providingContinue Reading

If the recent holidays were any indication, e-commerce sales will reach over $500 billion before 2018. Therefore, companies that do business on the internet need improved marketing logistics in order to compete and succeed. This often means turning to logistics management services for e-commerce order fulfillment. Over 80% of thoseContinue Reading

Industrial ovens, commercial ovens, and residential ovens are the same basic technology used for very different purposes. Residential ovens are obviously used for families to cook food for themselves, on a small scale. The technology typically involves gas burners or electric burners, and an oven component for baking purposes. TheseContinue Reading

More and more companies are looking to outsource their staffing needs. Between 2012 and 2013, businesses doubled their use of search firms. This represents the largest number of companies going to outside firms in more than 10 years. Many companies complain that they cannot find enough qualified people in theirContinue Reading

Ever since its discovery fire has been used to enrich human lives providing warmth, light, and safety among its many utilities. For all of the good that fire can do, it also has the wild potential to destroy indiscriminately. For all of our modern knowledge and technology, fire still causesContinue Reading

Although many digital retailers still believe that a sale is over once the customer makes payment on a product, more online business owners have come to a different conclusion. Customized shipping boxes and innovative retail packaging design are rapidly becoming an essential detail for both online and in-store marketing campaigns.Continue Reading