Everyone grows up learning that to regularly wash their hands. Or at least they should. We have all heard stories about the excessive amounts of bacteria lurking everywhere, and there have been entire industries built on battling that bacteria from hand soap to home cleaning disinfectants. But what you mayContinue Reading

Getting new drugs from the lab to the stores is a long and complicated. It needs to be to protect the public from bad pharmaceutical products. Since 2010, doctors in hospitals have ordered at least 271.4 million prescriptions for their patients. Doctors out of the hospital setting have prescribed 285.1Continue Reading

Think about how many times you have rode in an elevator in your life. It is likely that you cannot recall even an estimate. Elevators are an important part of many buildings and a necessary tool for transporting people to different levels. Yet, we do not put much thought intoContinue Reading

Commerce, trade, and consumerism in general have taken off in recent decades as the global population has boomed. With a higher number of people, there is naturally a higher demand for goods. Whether those goods are necessities like food, clothing, heating, or materials for shelter, or they they are luxuriesContinue Reading

We just can’t seem to stop ourselves. Even though the last week has been full of presents from immediate family members, gifts from colleagues at the office, and gift certificates from relatives and neighbors, we still wake up On New Year’s Day wanting to get to the mall. Undeterred byContinue Reading