Cleanliness is next to Godliness. The definition of cleanliness, however, can vary from person to person. Even between a husband and a wife, for instance, the idea of picking up the house can have completely different meanings. When the husband takes the trash out on Monday mornings, for example. he makes a big job of getting the garbage cans and the recycling bin from the garage to the curb, but never bothers to empty any of the trash cans in the house. On the other hand, when the wife picks up before the twice weekly cleaning service comes in, she focuses on getting all of the counters cleaned off, even if it means shoving a few things in the cupboard on top of the glasses.
Not surprising, the cleaning habits of each spouse can drive the other one crazy. The bottom line, however, is that at least one evening a week, the house is as clean as it will every be for the next 14 days. Both husband and wife do agree, though, that it is a good thing that they pay to have someone come out every two weeks. It makes everyone in the house stop what they are doing and make their best effort at picking up enough so that the cleaning team can really have the space that they need to do the very best job.
The Season for Cleaning Is Just Around the Corner
Spring is just around the corner, and many people are getting ready to focus on getting their house cleaned, organized, and repainted if needed. Businesses are also busy this time of the year making sure that their offices are safe ad healthy for their employees. From contracting with steam cleaning systems to making sure that dry vapor steamers are scheduled when needed, the important process of keeping a house and business clean can take significant effort. These efforts, however, are essential to the health and safety of employees and customers, as well as the general maintenance of a property.
Money spent on cleaning a home or business can actually be thought of as an investment. Dry vapor steamers and other kinds of deep cleaning machines can help you maintain the value of a property by avoiding damage from dirt, mold, mildew, and deterioration. Although many businesses and home owners do their own cleaning, an increasing number are taking advantage of professional cleaning services.
In today’s world, keeping homes and offices clean is big business. In fact, the cleaning industry generates as much as $168 billion in annual revenue globally. And while many people thing of a cleaning a house or office by hand, many restaurants, hospitals, daycares, and other agencies realize that the best cleaning results often come from the intense heat of dry vapor steamers and other types of deep cleaning machines. For instance, superheated steam cleaned paper towel dispenser handles and faucet handles had 1/10th as many germs when compared to the same kinds of handles cleaned by traditional methods.
Steam cleaning and dry vapor steamers, in fact, are so powerful that they can even kill bed bugs up to 2-3/8″ into a gap. These methods are especially effective when bed bugs are on the surface of items, as well as up to 3/4″ into fabric surfaces.
Clean Homes and Businesses Make a Great Impression
The main reason that most home owners have their homes cleaned may be for themselves, but it is also a really good feeling when someone else notices how clean your house is. For businesses and institutions like hospitals, however, cleanliness can mean the difference between success and failure. Did you know, for instance, that 29% of respondents to a survey indicate that they would never go back to a restaurant with unsanitary bathrooms? Even more serious, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as many as 100,000 people die every year from diseases acquired inside U.S. hospitals. It is difficult to not ask the question, “How many of these deaths could have been avoided by more thorough cleaning?”
For home owners, a clean house feels good. For business owners, a clean space can mean the success of having returning customers.