Americans take a lot of medication. By some estimates, as many as 82% of people in the United States take at least one medication every day. More than 29% of people throughout the country take five medications every day ore more. At least 40% of the global pharmaceutical market belongs to people in the United States. If you are looking to get your pharmaceutical product to these people, you need to think about your custom product packaging. Wholesale packaging companies to make your product as attractive as possible to potential customers. Here are some tips to get the right packaging for your product:
- Do some research on your market. You need to know who will benefit the most from using your product. This is something you probably know a lot about and was a part of the main reason you starting developing your new medication or treatment in the first place. Knowing who will use your product can help you a lot when you are developing the pharmaceutical packaging for those people. For instance, if your drug is going to be used by older adults, you may need to make it easier to open. There are custom product packaging manufacturers who can make it harder for children to get into the bottles or blister packaging.
- Find out what your product needs. The main reason to have good packaging is to make sure the product gets to the market in the same shape it was in at the plant. This is where it is important to get wholesale packaging companies involved early in the process. They are experts in packaging and know what the different materials are that can be used to maintain the integrity of your pharmaceutical product. If your product is a liquid, you will need to get the right custom plastic bottles. If you have a product in pill form, you can work with wholesale packaging companies to create the right blister packaging so that people can see when they took the dose they needed to take.
- Start working on your packaging before you think you need to. One main difference between pharmaceutical products and other kinds of items is the clinical trials they need to go through. It is important to use the same packaging you plan to use when customers get their hands on your product as is used during all of the phases of the clinical trials. This is important because there is always the chance that your new drug will interact with the packaging material and impact how effective or safe the product is. Getting the wholesale packaging companies involved early can help you prevent that from happening.
- Listen to your custom plastic packaging manufacturer. These people are experts in packaging. They understand the materials and the methods of packaging like no one else. They may be able to look at your product and anticipate problems that you have not even thought of. There is a commercial for Farmer’s Insurance where the company spokesperson says, “We know a few things because we have seen a few things.” The same can be said of wholesale packaging companies. When you work with a company that has been around a while, you get the benefit of all of that experience. While they have not worked with a product that is exactly like yours, they have worked with products that are similar. If they have ides about better ways to package your product, you should at least listen to them.
- You can save money by working with wholesale packaging companies early in the process. When you bring in packaging experts, they may see pitfalls that can be prevented when you are designing the right packaging for your product. This can prevent you from going down the wrong path and spending unnecessary funds to create and recreate the right packaging. They can give you a better idea of what will and what will not work with your product.
You have a wide array of options when it comes to pharmaceutical packaging. By working with wholesale packaging companies and doing the right research on your target audience, you will get the right packaging for your product.