Have you ever been surprised to learn of a highly rated restaurant or an exciting event that was happening in your own city? How did you not hear about it? How did you never see it? Businesses can provide the best of services and the highest quality of food and still fail, because they do not effectively market to their local potential customers. If customers do not see a business, they never have the choice to visit it or not. There are many different marketing efforts available to getting a business known, but the most commonly overlooked plan is your businesses signage.
Approximately 35% of people would not have discovered a business had it not been for their sign. Business owners may attempt to save money on store frontage signage and focus their marketing efforts on other attempts. However, the business signage is one of the most important and most effective marketing plans there is. Most business owners do not even realize that they are likely to see an increase in profit, simply by replacing their store signage. Studies show that adding or changing a sign directly improves sales revenue.
Replacing a store front wall sign with a larger sign increases revenue by 7.7%.
In addition to notifying potential customers of the businesses location, signs can also inform customers of information about the store. It can provide business hours, any specials or sales currently occurring and the store?s contact information. The signs can be used in buildings like schools and churches as well.
Although people are likely already aware of the location of the school and the church, they may not be aware of any events that are upcoming. Marquee signs for schools inform the community of fundraising and events put on by the school. Marquee signs for schools can also inform parents of any school closings or hour changes. A church marquee can notify the community of upcoming fundraising events. The great thing about marquee signs for schools and churches is that it provides them with an easy and low cost marketing option.
Most community members actually become aware of their communities events by paying attention to billboards and marquee signs. 58% of poll respondents 18 years or older learning about an event they were interested in attending from a billboard. Billboards are large signs with catchy colors, forcing people to pay attention to them. Marquee signs for businesses are a great way to improve awareness of the company and to notify the community of deals and discounts.
Marquee signs for schools may also provide a marketing option for individual groups and sporting teams inside of the school. For example, a football team that is hoping to raise money for new school uniforms can notify the community of their need and their fundraising efforts to do so. Marquee signs and LED signs are a great way to involve the community into the local school and church events.
Commercial business signs can also pair with schools and churches for sponsorship of fundraising events. Many local businesses will pay to have their company information included on marketing efforts for local events. The addition of their company?s information allows them to become closer to the community, while also providing financial assistance to local church and school programs.
Businesses are always looking for ways to reach new customers. However, many overlook the simple step of changing out their business signage. Local community members will never visit your business if they are unaware you are there. Members of the community will never attend your church or school event, if they are unaware of it. Marquee signs and LED signs can be very useful for providing necessary information to the community and to potential new customers.