You may be looking for some new ways to make money, or maybe you’re interested in making a living out of your hobby. Either way, if you’d like to start your own t-shirt business, then you will need to know some tips to help you out. In this video, you’ll learn just what you need in order to start your own t-shirt business, including the different t-shirt printing methods you could use and how to market and sell your shirts.
Whether you plan on selling a custom birthday tee or a team’s worth of jerseys, you’ll first need to decide which printing method will work best for you. They each use different equipment and have their pros and cons.
The video will suggest using a heat press and show you exactly what methods you’ll need to use. You can use screen printing, CAD-CUT, print-cut, and others. You’ll learn which methods work better for different uses so you can make an informed decision when it comes to your own needs. You’ll want a low-cost option that is efficient and high-quality. Don’t forget to expand where you can. You can offer products like sweatpants and face masks, too.