The United States of America is a country that is built on the concept of consumerism. This word may seem tricky and complicated at first but it is actually incredibly simple when you boil it down to the base concept at hand. Consumerism essentially deals with the idea that American society is built on people buying products from businesses and that fuel the economy.
If you do not believe this to be true then look no further than the ads and marketing messages that you see on a daily basis. On average, consumers in the United States are exposed to nearly 3,000 promotional messages and advertisements almost every single day. This is why it is so hard for smaller businesses to compete with corporations because they have to combat their budgets for advertisements.
It is important to note that there are legitimate ways for small businesses to compete with corporations! There are plenty of studies and data that point to signage as a great way for smaller businesses to try and get an edge on corporations. There is no question that businesses can utilize a suction cup poster holder to help boost their sales.
The average customer in the United States will decide whether or not they want to stick with a current brand or if they want to buy from a competitor within the span of 3 to 7 seconds. This is the time span in which using a suction cup poster holder can really come in handy for a small business. These types of small signage marketing techniques can help push customers into what is referred to as an impulse purchase.
Using glass door signs, flyer holders, display stands, and display racks are all great ways to boost the sales of products. When a customer visits a mall they are open to seeing a suction cup poster holder and being tempted to make an impulse purchase. An impulse purchase is essentially a purchasing decision that is not pre-planned but instead happens out of nowhere. Recent data has proven that anywhere between 6 and 10 pitches within a store can be called an impulse purchase.
Even though most shoppers will do their research on the internet, over 75% of all consumers will go to a store to shop. This is where a small business owner can get the benefits of a suction cup poster holder to help them out. The suction cup poster holder is a small item that will bring attention to the business.
The average shopper will make over 80% of their purchasing decisions while inside of the store. This is really important because this is where the small business owner can try to beat out the corporations. Products that are full priced and have signage will perform 18% better than products that do not have signage.
A Mass Merchant Study was conducted in 2014 in regards to unplanned purchases. This study revealed that 16% of all unplanned purchases were due to a display noticed while shopping. Using signage items like suction cup poster holder is a great way to get customers to make purchases while inside of a business.
In Conclusion
Any store or business that wants to try and boost their sales could easily utilize a sign to help get out the word on special deals. Most customers are open to making impulse purchases while inside of a store and that is where small business owners need to try and capitalize on customers.