From in-plant modular offices to warehouse partitioning systems, the applications of modular construction and building methods are very much on the rise, especially as of recent years. In fact, modular construction methods are being used for a wider variety of buildings than ever before, with more than 40% of companies who have used modular construction methods stating that they have used such methods to build healthcare facilities, dorm and other college campus buildings, and manufacturing facilities. In the years that are to come, things like in-plant modular offices and even modular homes are likely to be more highly sought after – and more commonly built, for that matter – than ever before.
But why, exactly, are the modular construction methods like those that are used to build in-plant modular offices to very beneficial and even important on the whole? For one thing, modular construction methods, when used for building everything from in-plant modular offices to warehouse offices, warehouse partitions, and more (as discussed above), modular methods of construction are much more cost effective than traditional methods of construction typically are. In fact, costs can even be reduced by as much as a full 20% when modular methods are used, such as those that are used to build in-plant modular offices and the like. Even in cases where not as much money is able to saved in total, at least 9% in savings is almost always guaranteed.
There are a number of reasons that such impressive savings are commonplace in the world of modular construction. For one thing, modular construction methods, such as those that are used to build in-plant modular offices, are far more time effective than those used for traditional construction. While a traditional construction project can go on for as many as six entire months (a full half of a year, to put things in perspective) before they are finally completed, some modular construction projects can actually be completed over the course of just a few weeks. This is often the case because many modular projects are primarily completed in factory settings. In fact, it is not uncommon for up to 90% – and no less than 60% – of any given modular project to be done in a factory instead of at the actual final site for it.
And modular construction methods, such as those that are used to create the in-plant modular offices that have become so very popular, are often far more environmentally friendly than other, more traditional methods of construction. There are even multiple reasons why this is the case. For one thing, modular construction methods use far less energy than the traditional methods of construction we are most familiar with do. The data backs this up quite fully indeed, showing that energy costs during the process of construction can be reduced by more than 65%. On top of this, the people who later inhabit the building in question find that they are paying less in energy costs than they otherwise would, had the building been constructed with more traditional methods.
And this is far from the only way that modular construction methods are gentler on our already fragile environment and better for our planet as a whole. In addition to the above, modular methods of construction actually end up using far less waste than what you’d find at the traditional and typical construction site. After all, the consumption of everything from cement to bricks to timber and more is simply not needed in such great capacities when modular methods of construction are used. In fact, construction waste such as the above can actually be reduced by an entire 90% or so when modular methods of construction are used instead of more traditional methods of construction.
The benefits of modular construction methods are quite vast indeed, as this article has likely just proven. From in-plant modular offices to dorm buildings to medical facilities – and far beyond – there are many ways that modular construction can all but completely replace some of the more traditional methods of modular construction. From reducing waste and cost and time to actually saving energy during the construction process and beyond, there is no limit to the benefits of modular methods of construction.