When business is booming you can barely keep your head above water. When you are in your slowest months, however, you can barely find enough to keep yourself busy for even a six hour day at work.
If you are one of the many businesses in the country who deal with with wide fluctuations in the amount of work that you have, you may also struggle with having the space that you need during those busiest times. When you have to bring in more workers to handle the demand of the latest rash of summer storms, for instance, your insurance business can really struggle. If, however, you make use of temporary rental office space during these busy periods you can more efficiently handle claims and address the individual problems of your clients.
Flexible office space is a growing trend in many parts of the country. As large office complexes remain empty in some places, in fact, it is not uncommon for leasing agents to offer fully furnished office spaces for as little as one or two month options.
Choosing an Office Space Does Not Need to Involve a Long Term Commitment
By finding fully furnished rental office space, many businesses can avoid the expensive costs of building out a space. Without this expensive start up cost, landlords and leasing agents are more likely to offer short term offerings. For insurance companies who may just need additional room during the processing of initial claims to the one or two day rental of an audio visual meeting room, finding the right space for the right amount of time can help you accomplish your goals, while staying under budget.
One of the reasons that so many companies find themselves in need of only short term office rental options is that a growing number of companies allow their employees to work remotely from home. The use of temporary or coop work spaces provides an options when groups of remote workers need to meet in person for an occasional meeting.
As many as 80% of employees view the option to work remotely as a job perk, and 46% of companies that allow telework say it has reduced attrition, so it should come as no surprise that this growing trend will continue to expand.