When you’re looking to expand your establishment or create an extra space for your teaching, a portable building company is often where you turn to first. Buildings for sale are still a savvy resource, of course, but a portable building offers you the luxury of customization on top of portability and an environmentally friendly model. School portables are fantastic for those establishing a Sunday school or a tutoring center, while a modular building can be ideal for people intent on expanding their business. Simply put? A portable building company can offer you everything you need and then some.
Flexible And Diverse
Portable buildings are for everyone. Studies have shown one-fifth of Americans will attend religious services a few times per year, with the rest going on a weekly basis and attending additional events such as Sunday school and community activities. There are still 156 million unchurched people in the country, making church buildings for sale an incredibly sought after resource. Buildings have been found to comprise the second largest area of expense for most churches, mainly due to the fact a permanent building comes with more consistent, higher costs. As much as 40% of a church’s budget involves cleaning, repairs, maintenance, Internet and security services.
Quick And Easy
A portable building company can create your supplemental space quickly and efficiently. A regular building, even with today’s accessible materials and skilled labor, can take weeks and even months to complete. Some modular homes, on the other hand, can be built in a portable building factory in a mere one to two weeks, though some might require a little extra time depending on the size. Studies have shown the overwhelming reason to use portable classrooms was the incredible speed of delivery at 35%, followed closely by shifting enrollment rates and the more inexpensive nature of the classrooms.
Eco-Friendly And Clean
Environmentally friendly building models is becoming the modern standard. The Northwest Portable Classroom Project conducted by Washington State University back in 2003 spent weeks analyzing the economic and environmental benefits of portable buildings in comparison to more conventional models. They found that portables built in compliance with 1993 codes were still 44% more energy efficient than models built even 25 years prior. Even better? Portables built to 2000 codes are 20% more efficient than 1993 models. Saving energy and money alike has never been easier.
Crafting Your Very Own Portable Building
Whether you’re hosting Sunday school or need an extra office for your studio, portable buildings are the ideal resource to save you time, money and space. The initial cost of a portable classroom, for starters, was found to be anywhere between 35% to 80% of the cost of a site-built classroom. Most of the portable building will be completed in a factory setting, with the last few touches completed on-site. Nearly 40% of contractors in a recent survey said both prefab and modular construction are seeing unprecedented growth in their respective companies and your purchase will go a long way in supporting a vibrant industry. Consider investing in a portable building and reap the benefits in a matter of weeks.