The Sunday after the two head pastors attended the three day state synod convention seemed like the perfect time to present the leaders of the church with the pastor appreciation gifts. And while the engraved plaques would make a great addition to their offices, the pastors were likely even more impressed with the generous cash gifts that they received. In fact, after spending three days with staff and church council members, as well as a group of congregation member, the pastors were likely ready to spend some time with their own families for awhile. The cash gifts would go a long way toward making that happen.
Whether you are charged with finding pastor appreciation gifts or police prayer plaques, you might find yourself at a loss. Because few retail spaces cater to these kinds of needs any more, most of these appreciation gifts and retirement awards are easier to find and more affordable when they are ordered online. There are some local trophy and sign companies that can still fill these kinds of orders in large cities, but it may be necessary for many groups to look for these presents at an online location that promises fast delivery.
Although there are many people who think that monetary gifts make the best kind of thank you gift, there are still many recipients who treasure the plaques and awards that they are presented. Especially for people who are volunteering their time like those who work in a church food pantry or another area, a monetary gift can actually seem a little counterproductive.
On the job site, worker appreciation plaques that recognize the number of years an employee has been with a company serve a valuable purpose. In fact, 86% of companies with employee recognition programs cite an increase in worker happiness. Who is that you would like to recognize for the work that they do for your company? If you are looking for a way to recognize either workers or volunteers, you might find that a plaque of appreciation may be the perfect solution. In a a 2015 Psychometrics study, 58% of respondents indicated that leaders could improve employee engagement by giving recognition.
If it is time to thank the workers or volunteers who work with your organization you might decide that a commemorative plaque is the perfect solution.