For any commercial property manager, a working fire alarm and sprinkler system is an absolute must. It can be a bit of a challenge to figure out what system is best for your specific building. You may be wondering – where can I find fire extinguisher sales and service near me? Thankfully between online searches and brick and mortar shops, there are plenty of places to find local fire sprinkler companies. The bottom line is you must invest in a good building fire sprinkler system. It is one of the best steps you can take to protect your building.
You can buy fire sprinkler heads and upgrades that can keep everything in good working order and operational year after year. The pros can help you find and install automatic water sprayers and other fire suppression systems as well as oversee required sprinkler inspection protocols. These steps are necessary to ensure everything is in good working order and that the system won’t fail in the event of a fire. So, get started today and find a local fire safety company where you can buy fire sprinkler heads and get experts fire and sprinkler inspection and training today. It is time to stop putting it off!
It’s better to prevent a fire than to resolve one already in the works.
This is the prevailing logic undercutting much of today’s fire maintenance and prevention efforts, all the more to save money and, most importantly, save lives. It doesn’t matter if you had a new fire sprinkler installation last year or you’re sure of the capacity of your fire escape plan. Staying up-to-date on all the latest developments is an ongoing action. Every little effort you put toward your fire sprinkler maintenance will mean one less injury down the road. If you’re not sure what more fire protection services can offer you, look below.
It’s important to know what you’re up against on the way to a more safe future.
The Most Risky Locations Today
All buildings have the potential to succumb to fire. Some worse than others, however. The four property classes that account for half of high-rise fires today are apartments, hotels, offices, and facilities that house the sick. Motels and data centers are also particularly vulnerable due to their more cloistered design, though the former is often more cluttered than the latter. Fire sprinkler maintenance is a constant action that will ensure fire is a low risk, at best.
Common Reasons For High-Rise Fires
All it takes is a single spark. Certain locations can exacerbate a small fire further by providing less than adequate ventilation or having neglected regular fire sprinkler repairs. Facilities that house the sick are struggling with older buildings that aren’t quite up to code, as well as electronic equipment that malfunctions out of the blue. A recent study found electronic malfunction to be among the top three causes of high-rise fires. Interestingly enough, fires in warehouse properties have declined substantially over the past three decades.

The Growth Of Fire-Related Property Loss
Property loss is all but a given when your building is the victim of a fire. Every year both hotel and motel fires result in over $75 million in property loss. Just between 2006 and 2010 American fire departments responded to an average of 6,000 structure fires on healthcare properties alone. The Fort Lauderdale Fire Department experienced a 12% spike in calls for service between 2014 and 2015. Fire protection companies not only respond to fire, but provide buildings the means of planning for the future.
Basic Safety Tips For Any Building Structure
A fire escape plan should be provided to all personnel before being hired, as well as available to visitors in an easy-to-read location. It needs to detail the nearest exits to reduce the probability for injury during an evacuation, among other things, and all this is best done with the aid of fire protection services. Proper disposal of cigarettes is a simple task that can go a long way in preventing fire, additionally. It’s a series of small actions that help keep everyone up and down the ladder as safe as possible.
Calling For Fire Sprinkler Maintenance
Fire may be decreasing in certain industries, but recent figures are still far too high. The Fort Lauderdale Fire Department responded to nearly 50,000 total calls back in 2014, over 500 of which were for significant fires. The combination of automatic sprinklers and early warning systems in all buildings have been shown to reduce overall injuries and loss of life by 50%. It also helps with reducing fire damage, each sprinkler dampening the flame in time for help to arrive. Fire sprinkler maintenance should be done at least twice per year.
Stay proactive. Ask for a fire sprinkler inspection service and make sure you’re always prepared.