It is something many Americans take for granted and is not provided adequately in many parts of the world. It is a refresher and a source of hydration, making it important in every day life as well as after workouts or vigorous physical activity. It is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one carbon dioxide atom. It is water.
Water is seen in the developed world as automatic. It comes out of our pipes, into our sinks and faucets, powering our washing machines and giving sustenance to our dishwashers. Water is purified either in water treatment plants in cities or with at-home purifiers. Water makes our toilets function, our showers, our hoses.
Cases where it is not available generally take place in cities, towns, countries where water is not readily available. These include some of the poorest places around the world, where wars can erupt over a water supply. Sometimes the water is taken from wells rather than a water treatment system. Sometimes they are taken from streams.
But often, there is none at all. This leads to war. This leads to killings and death. This leads to people being pitted against one another over a resource that is readily available in the developed world, one that some people take for granted. There are statistics associated with water supply in the world.
- Unsafe or inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene cause approximately 3.1 percent of all deaths worldwide, and 3.7 percent of DALYs (disability adjusted life years) worldwide.
- Lack of adequate sanitation contaminates water courses worldwide and is one of the most significant forms of water pollution. Worldwide, 2.5 billion people live without improved sanitation. Over 70% of these people who lack sanitation, or 1.8 billion people, live in Asia.
Water is a main issue no matter the country. But lack of water and poor sanitation contribute to many deaths worldwide. Unsafe or inadequate water contribute to numerous diseases throughout the world. It can lead to the spread of malaria, as mosquitoes dip into the water and then spread the disease to people around.
It can contribute to cholera, which is an illness that affects the bowel system and causes a loss of fluids that can eventually kill someone if it goes on too much. Many of these people are in Africa and Asia, where poorer communities exist without access to water or have unsafe water.
There is also the issue of dumping sewage in water, which can affect the overall water quality, lead to the spread of bacteria and viruses.
One statistic about this states that every day, 2 million tons of sewage and industrial and agricultural waste are discharged into the world’s water. This can pose problems for the water quality and for communities who rely on the water for sustenance, hydration, and bodily needs.
One of the ways to detect the purity of water is to run an electric current through it. Running an electric current through water gives an idea of the water’s conductivity. The conductivity of a water shows how much resistance is in the water due to pollutants and other factors. Conductivity shows how pure a sample of water is.
A more scientific explanation is that conductivity is a measure of the ability of water to pass an electrical current. Conductivity in water is affected by the presence of inorganic dissolved solids, but not organic compounds do not conduct electrical current well.
It’s also affected by temperature: the warmer the water, the higher the conductivity. For this reason, conductivity is reported as conductivity at 25 degrees Celsius (25 C). Conductivity can be used to tell the quality of water when it comes to unsafe and unclean water sources in poorer regions around the world.
There are such things was a water conductivity controller, a water conductivity monitor, water conductivity units, water quality kits, water quality indicators, water resistivity meter, and water resistivity units, which all play a role in the testing of the quality of water.
A water conductivity controller is a small box with displays on the front of telling the temperature of the water and electric current. A water conductivity controller has many specifications including accuracy, resolution, and the conversion factor. A water conductivity controller is useful for telling the quality of water.