Three Reasons Why Donating Clothing to Military Families is the Best Choice


Charitable donation

Many individuals believe that honoring military families and making purple heart clothing donations is a worthwhile activity. It makes getting rid of unwanted clothing easy and painless, allows others to make use of clothes that would otherwise end up in a landfill, and is one of the best ways to help individuals of all ages, including children in need of clothing. In previous years, over 2 billion pounds of fabric were saved from being thrown in landfills thanks to used clothing donations. Rather than wasting perfectly useable charitable donations, they can help people in local communities and even across the country. Read on to discover three reasons why giving clothing to military families through charitable clothing donations is the best choice.

Unused Items That Are No Longer Needed Can be Life-Changing for Many Families

Most individuals choose to only give away 15% of used clothing they no longer want. Many do not understand that their clothing has the ability to help many different people. For example, donations for men, women, children and babies are all accepted and needed at organizations that serve veterans and their families. There are many instances where individuals and families who have given military service and are suddenly experiencing a difficult point in life. Providing clothing that is gently used can help them in matters related to work and school, or even just to meet basic needs. Going through closets and getting rid of things that are no longer used or needed can not only purge the used space, but also offer donors the chance to fill their closet with things they truly want, instead of clothing they feel obligated to keep, although they are not using it. Providing new clothing to a child who has little and needs to go to school is an uplifting feeling for many individuals.

Many People Have More Clothing Than They Could Ever Use Sitting at Home

When making purple heart clothing donations, people might be worried they do not have enough to offer. Research has shown that most individuals today buy twice as much clothing than they did over 20 years ago. Part of this may be due to the fact that many items are purchased from other, cheaper countries, making it easy to acquire new pieces without much thought. Because of this, many people have things they don?t wear or use, but they might not realize. For those who are interested in making donations for non profit organizations, they should go through their closet and drawers and take careful inventory of everything they have. If an item has not been worn in a year or more, the rule of thumb is to get rid of it. As long as clothing is clean and does not have stains, tears or is not badly worn down, it can be donated without a second thought and given to someone who needs it. Depending on the size of the family donating, it can be simple enough to fill at least a bag per person after they are done going through everything.

Donation Pickups Are Now More Commonplace Than Ever Before

It used to be that individuals needed to collect items they wished to donate and then bring it to the charity of their choice. However, many purple heart clothing donations can be accepted via pickup. This involves a truck, van, or volunteer coming to a house and picking up the clothing donations. Sometimes the person may come to the door to collect them. Other times, it is common to bag the items and leave them by the curb. Some charities might send out postcards to neighborhoods, altering families to dates they will be driving around and doing pickup. For those who are interred in doing a purple heart pickup, calling organizations that support military families is usually the easiest to do. Some might not normally pick up, but will do so if asked nicely.

making purple heart clothing donations does not have to be hard. There are many organizations that will be happy to pick up donations and can let donors know what protocol is. Most individuals and families have more clothing than they realize, which can be given to others; military families come in all shapes and sizes.