Proper and Safe Clinical Storage of Medications


Medical packaging design

Today?s pharmaceuticals packages are designed for safety. Medications are put into child proof packaging that can only be opened with knowledge of how the package works. They may even come in measurement proof packaging, only allowing you to take one item at a time. These safety precautions are to keep the medications out of young children?s hands. Other safety measures may need to be taken to prevent misuse of prescription medications. If you are worried about the storage and safekeeping of your medication, follow these safety tips.

Put medications in a set scheduled container. Many pharmacies sell medication dividers. These allow you to organize all of your medications into days. You can even separate them by day and night time usage. This method of storage not only ensures that your pills are only going to you, but it also reminds you to take your medications on a set schedule.

Keep medications in a high medicine cabinet. Young children cannot get into medications, if they cannot reach them. All clinical storage should be kept in medicine cabinets that are up high. These clinical storage locations should not be easy reachable for small children. They should also never be stored with items they use, such as tooth brushes, children?s daily multivitamins, and first aid materials.

Dispose of medications, when they are no longer needed. Some people may choose to hold onto their medications after use, because they either do not know how to properly dispose of them, or in the event that they might need them at a later date. Keeping medications that you are no longer using is one of the easiest ways for them to fall into the wrong hands. You will often never notice that they are missing, making them an easy target. Even medications that come in blister packaging should be disposed of immediately after you are finished with it.

For medicine and pharmaceuticals, blister packaging can often be completed with child safe features so only adults can open the packaging. The best medical packaging techniques and safety precautions is to ensure that you are aware of where your medications are at all times. This means disposing of them, when you are no longer able to track them.

Request specific child proof packaging. Although prescribing medical professionals may not always have a say in the type of packaging your medication comes in, you may have the ability to request child proof packaging from your pharmacist. When they are bottle filling, ask if they can provide you with a child proof method for easy clinical storage. Most analytical and research services recommend blister card packaging for easiest and safest clinical storage.

There are different types of blister packaging available also. A blister package that folds onto itself is often referred to as a clamshell. This is the type of packaging that you are likely to see for over the counter medications. Blister packaging can often be completed with vinyl, and can come in various opaque, tinted, and translucent appearances. You can also purchase your over the counter medications based on the type of packaging they come in.

Many parents worry about their medications and how easily available they are to children. It can be extremely dangerous for a child to get into a medication. This is why it is so important to take the appropriate safety precautions when storing pharmaceuticals in the home. All medications should be monitored and measured for use, medications should be placed up very high, and when possible, child proof packaging should be requested. Proper clinical storage can increase the safety of your medications.