From corporate headshots to family photos, a professional photographer can help you to make your photography dreams a reality. And the professional photographer is a profession that is growing increasingly demanded and sought after here in the United States. After all, professional photography is ideal for a wide variety of situations.
First, however, we must look at the ways in which photography has become more accessible than ever before – and why we still need professional photographers. After all, the vast majority of people here in the United States have access to a smart phone, and smart phone cameras are more advanced than ever before. This can be seen clearly when we take a look at social media.
The popular social media platform of Facebook, for instance, gets an incredible amount of posted pictures each and every day. In fact, as many as seven hundred and thirty billion pictures will be shared to friends and family alike on Facebook profiles alone. Instagram, another popular social media site that grows in usage each and every year, gets more than twenty billion posted pictures. And most of the pictures posted on social media are taken by amateurs that are simply looking to share parts of their day and their lives with those who follow their pages – their friends, their family members, and sometimes even complete strangers.
But professional portraits are still in demand, as their quality simply cannot be compared to ones that are taken with an iPhone or other such smart phone camera. Family photos are one such thing, with many families choosing to have professional family portraits taken. These pictures can provide many with a picture to display – or even send out as a Christmas (or other similar holiday) card. Some parents will choose to have individual professional portraits of their children taken as well, as this is a great and high quality way to document your child’s (or children’s) growth all throughout their childhood.
Professional headshots are also commonly taken by professional photographers throughout the country. As headshot photographers know, professional headshots are a great way to beef up your LinkedIn profile. In fact, it has been found that those who chose to include professionally taken headshots as part of their linked in profiles got as much as up to eleven times the views – impressive, to say the least. They will also get up to forty percent more direct messages, some offering the potential for a career opportunity, than those who choose not to use headshots at all.
But the type of headshot you use matters, and any old headshots simply will not do. As these headshots will, in many ways, provide potential employers with a first impression of you, it’s important to make sure than a number of qualities are included in such headshots. For one, you want to convey both trustworthiness and competence with your headshot, as up to ninety percent of any given first impression is based on the detection of these two qualities.
Though this can be difficult to convey in an amateur headshot, a professional photographer can make it a reality. For instance, a professional photographer is likely to coach you to smile with teeth, as this will convey a greater sense of warmness to those who are looking to potentially hire you. On top of this, slightly squinting your eyes can add to this effect, as can accentuating your jawline through tricks of the camera. Finally, you should make sure that you dress professionally and formally when you go to have your headshots taken, as this will convey how professional you would be in any given workplace to your potential employers. After all, you should dress for the job that you wish to have, as many people say.
Overall, professional photographers are incredibly important throughout the United States, even as amateur pictures are posted near ceaselessly on social media platforms. At the end of the day, photos that are taken with smart phone cameras will never truly be able to compare to other types of professional photography here in the U.S. and in all places in the world.