If you work at a machine shop, you probably understand how important tap adapters are to your trade. Indeed, as machine tap adapters eliminate human error, they are generally faster and more accurate. What you may not realize is that the history of tap adapters is rich, and is likely evolving in your favor.
The history of tap adapters starts during the industrial revolution of the 18th century, primarily in Britain. As cities grew, more labor was available for factories. The textile industry was born. Initially a very labor intensive industry, these textile mills quickly developed modern machinery. It took a few decades to catch on, but machines eventually went to other locations.
The 19th century saw the birth of a dedicated machine industry. It was during this time that ready made tools appeared on the market, and several shops made machines, including early tapping tools. Joseph Clement, who made the Difference Engine, was an early seller of taps and dies. After World War II, mechanical tap adapters became commonplace, and engineers with college educations manufactured them. Today, powerful CNC machines automate tap adapters to become more resilient.
How does all of this history on tap adapters affect you? Because the story is not over yet. You see, sometime after the 1970s, machine shops went overseas, first to East Asia, and then to Eastern Europe and even Africa. The move was prompted by cheap labor, but labor costs around the world have risen. Furthermore, transportation costs have skyrocketed. Some machine shops grudgingly began relocating back to the U.S. after the 2008 financial crisis, and yet they find that American workers are much higher quality than any foreign worker.
Modern machine shops should view their trade with pride. Tap adapters and other tools have a very rich history behind them. In the past few years, more machine shops have opened in the U.S, creating more jobs and better tools. This should be a source of pride for everyone. Continue your research here: parlec.com