Construction is an ongoing, labor-intensive process that we require more than ever. The amount of development done in an average city is typically for housing or entertainment places for the surrounding area. However, after construction is finished—you might ask, whose job is it to clean up the entire site?
Why Do We Need Janitorial Service?
Cleaning is a menial task to many, but cleaning services play an essential role in keeping us safe and healthy when it comes to combat germs. Cleaning and janitorial services are responsible for every building or site that requires to be cleaned for health purposes—from school buildings to cleaning up a construction site; they are the unsung heroes that protect us from potentially deathly germs and bacteria that grow on surfaces. Research entails the average desk contains nearly 10 million bacteria, with work desks having an upwards of 400 times more germs than an office bathroom contains. Commercial cleaners are responsible for workspaces, and how they thoroughly they clean is a significant factor that determines how often we fall ill—a recent study conducted by National Health Interview Survey revealed influenza is responsible for 200 million days of low-productivity and 75 million work absences. Office cleaning janitorial services offer the promise of a thoroughly cleaned, safe office environment through enlisting well-trained professionals to ensure the job is done correctly with the utmost quality and care.
Office Cleaning Tips
Provide sanitizer throughout the office: Germ-prevention is a relatively simple thing to achieve, but unfortunately, we sometimes forget basic hygiene—like washing our hands, that could prevent us from becoming sick. Be sure to include sanitizers throughout the workspace to promote proper health, especially during cold and flu months.
Use neutral cleaners for floors (pH of 7): Using harsh chemicals on a floor could cause significant damage over time, and the chemicals could affect everyone in the office. Contrasting, using a solution below 7 is essentially the equivalent of using water, be sure to use a gentle solution to clean the floors to ensure it’s up to standard.
Remember the basics: It’s important to remember basic hygiene tactics, like tidying up — dusting and cleaning any areas that are needed. You shouldn’t wait until an office is dirty to start cleaning, that’ll leave more work for you and a potentially infected office area for employees.
Clean the fridge: It’s essential to ensure your fridge is cleaned out thoroughly before placing foods or drinks inside. Anything in the office can become dirty quite fast, especially the fridge, which can become a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses that linger on the surfaces. Typically, a neutral cleaner would be fine, but for those offices that seek an eco-friendlier method, distilled white vinegar is a great way to scrub mold and mildew from fridge shelves.
Dust from top to bottom, trust me it isn’t excessive: Keeping your surrounding area tidy doesn’t come without its difficulties, but it’s well worth it. Make sure to take care of higher surfaces and then lower areas, so you won’t have to clean the same area excessively.
Deodorizing the office can do wonders for both you and employees: Statistics show one out of three people still go to work when they’re sick—having an office that smells fresh and clean can boost productivity and moods. Everyone may not like cleaning, but they love a fresh, crisp scent.
What Is Post Construction Clean Up?
Cleaning up a construction site can be a taxing job, especially when considering the amount of time and effort that goes into all the necessary materials to build. When dismantling a site post construction, there’s often a high number of difficulties that arise to fully finish cleaning up a construction site for the next project. Most people believe post construction clean up is part of a contractor’s job description, but it isn’t. Cleaning up a construction site is performed by construction cleaning services, that are equipped and well-trained to take on the difficulties and potential dangers a construction site can bring. Constructions cleaners are typically hired on the spot to perform a task such as wiping down ceiling fixtures, lights, mechanical registers, and walls. They must also sweep and mop floors by using required cleaning materials for the type of surface being cleaned. (I.e., granite, marble, or quartz)