The goal of every business is to expand. Expansion often means more customers, leading to increased profits. However, there are costs and concerns that you’ll need to address before real expansion begins. One of these concerns is choosing how to expand workable office space. In this post, you’ll learn why companies are choosing modular buildings for expansion purposes.
Understanding Modular Buildings
It’s understandable to have heard about these buildings without learning how they’re constructed. Traditionally, construction work needs to take place on a site. However, portable buildings are built in one location and transported to the site. Exact completion times will vary but, in most cases, a portable building can be built and delivered in as quickly as 12 weeks.
How Modular Buildings Provide Easy Expansion
As companies grow, it becomes more likely that workers will be in more confined spaces. To avoid this problem, consider cheap portable buildings as a cost effective way to have more office space. In turn, this allows workers to conduct business within the confines of a spacious office.
Cheap portable buildings are also popular within the construction industry. Many construction workers are used to traveling across cities and states to complete projects. Considering that, it makes no sense for these workers to need to construct offices for such a short stay. Therefore, cheap portable buildings are great to give these workers workable office space. In addition, these buildings work well to house workers while they’re completing projects in remote locations.
Many retail companies also use modular buildings. These buildings are created in a uniform manner. With that in mind, many wise retail companies use this design strategy to their advantage. By ordering modular buildings, these companies help establish their brand. You can probably spot many legendary businesses, simply by seeing a part of their building. Many fast food chains emphasize that their buildings all look the same. Having uniform stores keeps everything consistent between a brand and customers. It allows customers to obtain a sense of familiarity with a company. This is also great for retail companies that want to expand further, offering franchise opportunities.
Advantages of Portable Buildings
Besides uniformity, there are many other advantages associated with using portable buildings for expansion purposes. Many companies use these buildings for energy efficiency reasons. In 2003, research conducted by Washington State University found that portable buildings constructed in 1993 were 44% more efficient than those built 25 years ago. In addition, this same research found that portable buildings constructed during the year 2000 were 20% more efficient than those built during 1993.
Portable buildings are also extremely cost efficient. In fact, choosing cheap portable buildings reduces project completion time by up to 50% when compared to on site construction. With on site construction, you’re typically paying more while waiting longer for buildings to be constructed. Because portable buildings are built quickly, your business isn’t paying a construction company large amounts of money.
To summarize, it’s important to learn why modular buildings remain popular with businesses around the world. If your business is thinking about expanding, it’s wise to keep costs as low as possible. Fortunately, cheap portable buildings allow your company to have more space without worrying about construction crews and expensive bills. If you’re ready to begin expanding, contact a portable building supplier right away.