Every single year there are people that and companies that need to get rid of special documents. These special documents more often than not involve sensitive data and information that cannot be compromised. if it is compromised, it could be disastrous for the company or person involved.
Just to give an example of a few of the many types of documents that may be shredded to keep important information safe, look no further than bills, receipts, and all tax information. This can potentially include banking information and even a social security number. However, if there is a large corporation that needs to get rid of a large number of documents at once, it is going to take more than just one single paper shredding machine.
Corporations that need to get rid of sensitive documents at an overwhelming rate are going to look for the help of one time purge shredding services. This is a form of shredding service that is offered by huge professional shredding companies. These type of companies focus on providing shredding services to big corporations that need their help!
In the year of 2016 alone, just about one in ever 16 adults in the United States ended up being the victim of some form of identity theft. This is a scary statistic to read, especially if you are someone that does not work hard to keep your sensitive information from those who want to steal it. Furthermore, it points to why large-scale corporations look to utilize one time purge shredding services every year!
Incidences of identity theft jumped up 16% from 2015 to 2016. As a result, more and more business are looking to get help from one time purge shredding services. It will make even more sense thanks to a statistic in the next paragraph.
Nearly 90% of identity thefts use information gained from print sources rather than those found online. This stat puts into perspective the concept of hiring the abilities and help of one time purge shredding services. If so many of these identity theft situations are born out of print material, it is important for large-scale corporations to utilize.
Identity theft is the single fastest-growing crime in the nation, a $50-billion-a-year industry that continues to expand its reach. As this crime continues to grow, more and more people and corporations are going to work to combat this. This means that they are going to go out and try to get the help of one time purge shredding services to protect their sensitive information.
According to information released by the Federal Trade Commission, there is a 1-in-33 chance that someone will have their identity stole throughout the course of the next year. While this may seem like a very slim chance at first, you will quickly notice it is actually incredibly common. Furthermore, every year in the United States, corporate identity theft costs businesses $48 billion.
The 2015 Data Security Incident Response Report by law firm BakerHostetler revealed that one in five breaches that the firm handled in 2014 involved paper records. According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Government documents/benefits fraud (34%) was the most common form of reported identity theft.
In 2015, businesses were affected by 312 data breaches, which affected 16.2 million people. In 2015, medical/healthcare facilities were affected by 277 data breaches, which affected 113 million people. It is absolutely important for businesses to get the help of one time purge shredding services if they need it.
In Conclusion
Identify theft is just as dangerous for large-scale corporations and businesses as it is for the individual person. This is because large-scale corporations have potentially more to lose in this type of scenario. Not only can their finances be accessed, they could end up having information about a large number of employees being stolen. So as a result, identity theft can do damage to corporations on many levels. It is important that businesses hire the reliable services of one time purge shredding services to protect their businesses!