If your business uses equipment that sometimes causes electrical arc flash, and flash fires, then it is important that you provide arc rated clothing, fireproof clothing and maintenance uniforms, FR coveralls, and other types of arc flash protective clothing. Womens fire resistant clothing is also available in smaller sizes, if the arc rated clothing that you find seems to be intended for larger male bodies.
Having proper arc rated clothing for yourself and for your employees can help you make sure that you all stay safe if there is an electrical arc flash or fire, and it can help you avoid a lawsuit in the future because you will have done the due diligence necessary to make sure that your employees were safe.
Check out some providers of arc rated clothing on the world wide web, and read some customer reviews of the different choices in arc rated clothing that you have available to you. After you find some arc flash protective clothing that has received lots of good reviews from people who have bought and used it, do a little more research to see who offers the best price on the brands of arc rated clothing that you are looking for, so you can make sure that you get a good deal on the maintenance uniforms and fireproof clothing that you are looking for.