How confident are you in your business’ ability to attract attention? This isn’t a question you ask once or twice per year — a strong visual presence is the most important element in garnering a business a regular client base. Without a flashy and memorable sign to attract new customers and reaffirm regulars you run the risk of falling into obscurity, losing money and struggling to stay afloat in a market that only gets more competitive by the day. Electronic signs for business, such as digital signs or marquee signs, are a good starting point regardless of the product or service you offer.
Billboards And First Impressions
Business is regularly done on the go. A study saw nearly 70% of poll respondents saying they either ‘frequently’ or ‘sometimes’ make shopping decisions while in their car, with another 30% saying they visited a retailer they saw on a billboard earlier that week. As a result more and more businesses are finding clever ways of showing off their brand where people can easily glimpse while on their way to work or home.
LED Signs And Modern Tastes
Few people want to buy from a store that looks like it’s fallen behind the times. It affects their confidence in the product or service they’re buying — this is, of course, assuming they’ll even drop by in the first place with flashier options at their easy disposal. The year 2019 is widely expected to be an impressive year for the LED industry and average LED sign company, with estimates expecting an impressive 53% penetration of the global lighting market. This includes, but is not limited to, LED signs, small displays, billboards and related accessories.
Location And Effective Branding
Similar to the effectiveness of quality billboards, location is an incredibly important factor in whether or not your business will gain steady revenue week after week. A recent study found as many as 35% of people wouldn’t have discovered a business or known where to find it if not for their sign. In fact, nearly 90% of a business’ customers either live or work within a five-mile radius of its location. An LED sign company is well-versed in the art of judging proper locations that are easily seen by many.
Memory Retention And Future Customers
A good business wants to curry repeat customers. LED signs and billboards are directly linked to increased memory retention in both casual visitors and repeat buyers. Respondents to a recent poll said they will often look at the messages on roadside billboards whether they are digital or traditional, with another poll seeing over half of all respondents saying they learned about an event they want to attend through a billboard. Overall, it’s widely expected at least one out of every three customers will actively remember basic information about the advertisement they saw and liked.
Choosing The Best Sign For Your Business
Your business needs to be regularly updated and polished to reflect changing times. Nowhere is that more clear than giving it a stronger sign presence. LED signs are only growing more popular by the day and can be easily customized to fit a wide variety of brands — size, color, animation and material are but a few of the elements you can tweak to your satisfaction, creating a proper balance between a business’ goal and a customer’s desires. Studies have shown either adding or changing a sign can improve sales revenue, with some reports as high as 8%. Consider contacting an LED sign company and asking how they can improve your business.
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