Quick turn PCB specs are often made up because of how fast they are produced. In today’s day and age, a business is always looking for fast results. Turning in the required files for your project is essential to having a successful final result. Having one file that is incorrect or missing can cause a wide range of hassles. Production companies may have to increase the time to start production if they have to adjust files. In this post, you will learn the most common mistake made during PCB production.
In summary, there are mistakes that are easy to make during PCB production. You will want to make sure you have a proper Gerber file to turn in. If missing a Gerber file, production will most likely be severely impacted. A drill file is essential for machinery to know where drill holes are to be placed. Finally, a routing board matches up circuitry to a board. Ensuring you have these proper files put together and correctly made is a major start to successful PCB production.