Watch this video to learn the role of general contractors in risk control.
Contractors draft and authorize read-and-agree-to contracts that secure all parties from risks within control. In the contracts, they consider that they will take blames; for blunders and oversights or any poor construction. Well-defined contracts that detail the scope of their roles and responsibilities are a sure risk control strategy for all involved parties.
Managing and soliciting skilled sub-contractors is the second risk control tool in their arsenal. They not only hire but determine the payment for work done. They set up tasks for the sub-contractors. Their knowledge of specialists will insure you from the risk of losing money. Engage a contractor on your project. It will save you money. They are worth every penny.
Building contractors also insure you from risks associated with substandard materials. They save you from being ripped off by ensuring only non-defective material is bought and used in your project. You have their practice license and professional board to fall back on when they do a shoddy job or get substandard materials. To be safer, find an expert such as a property attorney to review the contract before you sign it.