If you are the owner or an employee at a restaurant, you might be required to get safe serve certified. But how do you get a ServSafe certification? Depending on your employer, they might help you through the process. You’ll want to study the safe serve book in order to learn exactly how to keep yourself and your customers safe while preparing and eating food. A food and sanitation course is essential since there is too much to both of these things to effectively teach on the job. If you are a new hire at a restaurant that requires certification, ask your boss how to become ServSafe certified. They might cover the cost of the course and help you through it. However, you might consider getting certified before you’re hired somewhere. Having the certification already on your resume looks good for employers. In that case, you’ll want to look into the official resources online. It’ll cost more than having your boss cover the cost of the class and test, but you’ll be able to do it on your own terms.
The California Food Handler Card Law, which was Senate Bill 303, requires that employees that prepare, store, or serve food be in possession of Food Handler Cards. As a matter of certificate and safety, this bill is aimed toward process safety management and food safety certification because it requires that organizations put their employees through the right training to possess one of these cards. Servsafe certification is an important part of the process, as it can help organizations and businesses to get their employees the proper training and education that they will need to not only remain compliant with the law, but preserve the health of the customers of a business as well. Listeriosis, for example, can put pregnant women and those with compromised or weakened immune systems at risk. With ServSafe certification, you may be able to greatly reduce or even completely eliminate the chance of this bacterial infection from occurring due to the food that your business serves, prepares, or distributes.
Other organizational training works well when paired with ServSafe certification courses. Iso 14001 certification, for example, follows the criteria of an environmental management system which can help to reduce wastes and control costs of energy use and consumption. ISO 9001 training may also be used in combination with other training courses and modules to strengthen the structure that a company or nonprofit organization has, which can mean better results and fewer chances for damage in the short and long term. Using standards like 14001 can give a company an advantage over businesses that have not yet adopted the ISO family of organizational tactics. When used along with Iso 20000 certification, HACCP training, and ServSafe certification provided by the right sources, it can make for a much stronger structure overall.
The ISO 14000 family of standards targets environmental management for a reason; these regulations, when properly used alongside ServSafe certification training, can help to reduce the costs that a business may have throughout the year, as well as reduce the risks involved in running a business. Businesses which do not adopt ServSafe certification or the ISO family of standards may be more exposed to lawsuits, fines, penalties, and harm to reputations. Every effort toward improving an organization matters, whether it involves training workers at the individual level or restructuring entire departments. With the right training and certification, however, great things are possible.