Of all the Business to Consumer companies on the internet, 41 percent have acquired a customer via Facebook. Two reasons people ‘like’ a brand or business on Facebook is either because they are interested in receiving discounts or they are already a customer. Over half of small business owners admit they would benefit from some help in improving their social media marketing area. Amateur marketers love to see the most obvious, basic metric of ‘likes’ on a page. Filler content, that can be automatically published to a Facebook page or Twitter feed, can sometimes backfire on the company. These kinds of numbers and facts indicate that, in the event you run a business, it might be worth a phone call to a Facebook marketing company to help boost your bottom line without the risk of screwing things up.
Facebook marketing companies specialize in small business social media marketing. Whether you are experienced with a small business marketing agency or a Facebook marketing business, it is a great time to start exploring how social media marketing small business can help your company find a nice balance between productivity and profit while the Facebook marketing company handles all of the necessary steps of marketing a business on Facebook for you. Give yourself the freedom to continue growing your business without the overhead of hiring another marketing employee by exploring your options with the plethora of options when it comes to a Facebook marketing company before it is too late.